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Plano Mensal I
FOTOS 3 Semanal Total de 12 fotos
VIDEOS 2 Semanal Total de 8 Videos CHAMADAS 1 (3 Minutos) Semanal
Total de 4 Chamadas
Plano Mensal II
FOTOS 4 Semanal Total de 16 fotos
VIDEOS 3 Semanal Total de 12 Videos CHAMADAS 1 (5 Minutos) Semanal
Total de 4 Chamadas
Plano Mensal Vip
FOTOS 5 Semanal Total de 20 fotos
VIDEOS 4 Semanal Total de 16 Videos CHAMADAS 1
(5 minutos Anal ou 10 minutos normal) Semanal Total de 4 Chamadas
Plano De Fotos Mensal
Fotos 5 Semanal Total 20 fotos
Plano de Vídeos Mensal
Videos 3 + 1 Semanal total 16 Videos
Plano Chamada Mensal
Chamadas 3 (5 minutos)
Total 12 Chamadas
There’s a huge amount of trust we have in their ability to deliver good-quality and reliable code. When talking about value, they are in a league of their own. I love the fact that you spend time with us and that you ask the questions which go beyond solving problems.
Simon Lemonnier
Cofounder - fashion
There’s a huge amount of trust we have in their ability to deliver good-quality and reliable code. When talking about value, they are in a league of their own. I love the fact that you spend time with us and that you ask the questions which go beyond solving problems.
Sara Jane
CEO - Education
There’s a huge amount of trust we have in their ability to deliver good-quality and reliable code. When talking about value, they are in a league of their own. I love the fact that you spend time with us and that you ask the questions which go beyond solving problems.
Syong Lee
MD - FastEats